4M Technology

Innovative Business Intelligence

Innovative Business Intelligence

The 4M Technology is an innovative analytical Business Intelligence-tool developed by Causal Impact to compute causal effects in corporate and organisational settings. To achieve this we utilize state-of-the-art IT infrastructure combined with the latest software technology and data management.

Understanding KPIs

Understanding KPIs

The 4M Technology has been designed to analyze the complex causal network of variables and factors impacting on selected Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), such as turnover, profit or ROI. How are KPIs in your company interconnected? Which factors drive profits to which degree?



Compared to traditional business analysis tools, the 4M Technology bears substantial advantages. Next to its cost-effectiveness (there is no need to collect any additional corporate data; all data is already with you) its key benefits are enhanced profitability, competitiveness and reduced financial risks.

Technical Requirements

Technical Requirements

KPIs underlie several statistical, procedural and conceptual properties and requirements. The type and quality of data is a very important prerequisite. Most likely, your corporate databases or data warehouse contain all relevant information on KPIs needed to conduct causal analyses swiftly and successfully.
